There was catastrophe and a high tension drama in my life for about one hour of my life today. Usually I am very careful with my mobile. But today in a hurry I missed my phone somewhere and I kept on calling my number from my Landline phone and no one was picking it up. Since I have all my contacts and Whatsapp in my phone,I was absolutely helpless. Now, this storing of numbers in the phone is so convenient that you do not or cannot memorize all numbers. My mind went blank and I felt frightened. Photos and music you can revive, since you usually store them in your PC also .Or very conveniently in the cloud. But what about contacts? Previously I had this Nokia phone in which contacts were backed up to Outlook. Now in my phone contacts are backed up to SIM or phone or maybe a memory card, but all of them are gone with the phone. And which I cannot access without the phone itself. Long time back, there was only this telegram for important communicatio