Hi all……After a long time. I
have totally neglected my blog which is actually very dear to me. There is
nothing like a blog to share your frustrations and depressive moods. Maybe among
few people who read them, some may think the facts are related to them too. So
this way I am able to connect at least virtually with people like myself.
There I go blabbering again.
Today I am feeling more depressed because a close relation told me that I
should not misunderstand the words spoken to me.
I am wondering if I have
lost the right to remark when I feel depressed by some person wantonly
insulting me and hurting me with their words. Just because I am growing old, I
must listen to these insults in silence. And never say anything about it to
anyone. Though I am not dependent on them for my needs.
I almost tend to forget the
fact that I have been a very successful surgeon till I retired and came to the
wretched place I am staying in now. And just because this is my native place.
And since I have aged, people
tend to think that the fact “once a surgeon always a surgeon” is wrong. Not
only the youngsters who go around without respect for my profession and pass
remarks like “ O what is the creativity in Surgery ? You see things and do the
operation.” Also the elders who keep silent when their children pass such
I forgive them since my God
will never want me to think ill of anyone.
I just tell myself, “You do
not know what surgery is. When you open the abdomen or do any other difficult
surgery, You hold a human life in your hands.
Many a time a split second
decision is necessary to save a life. And
if the split second is lost, the person may even die.
But with all other fields
including machines, computers and art, you get a lot of time to think it over,
brood over it as long you want, because you are not dealing with a human life.
I know, because while doing
complicated surgery I have been placed in circumstances where I had to take
this split second decision. And I have been rewarded by the patient’s big smile
and “ Thank you” written all over their
That is what is important.
And I need not think about the foolish youngsters who pass foolish remarks and
think themselves to be superior. Nor about their parents who love them overly
and do not mind them passing such proud and foolish remarks.
I always prayed to God when
I used to face difficult situations, and I pray to him now.
The motto is “ You are as
young as you feel”.
The motto is “If you cannot
forgive, forget”.
So thinking of my God, I
forgive these people who have the capacity to insult and hurt people. I remember my golden hearted father and mother who motivated me to become a good doctor.
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