There was catastrophe and a high tension drama in my life for about one hour of my life today. Usually I am very careful with my mobile.

But today in a hurry I missed my phone somewhere and I kept on calling my number from my Landline phone and no one was picking it up. Since I have all my contacts and Whatsapp in my phone,I was absolutely helpless. Now, this storing of numbers in the phone is so convenient that you do not or cannot memorize all numbers.
My mind went blank and I felt frightened. Photos and music you can revive, since you usually store them in your PC also .Or very conveniently in the cloud. But what about contacts?

Previously I had this Nokia phone in which contacts were backed up to Outlook.  Now in my phone contacts are backed up to SIM or phone or maybe a memory card, but all of them are gone with the phone. And which I cannot access without the phone itself. 

Long time back, there was only this telegram for important communications when normal post or even Speed post could not give you the speed you desired. And telegrams usually carried sad messages like death of a precious relative. And whenever a telegram arrived we awaited with nervous and bated breath. Sometimes of course they carried good messages also. So you heaved a deep breath and felt relaxed.

Then the telegram suffered a horrible death due to the arrival of quicker communication modes. This was the last telegram in India.

The Landline telephones replaced gradually the need for telegrams. Even then there was difficulty in contacting people in remote places and abroad. And the STD’s and ISD’s were terribly expensive.                       I remember standing in long queues to make an STD call and I remember using the “lightning STD “  to talk to my brother urgently. For two minutes, it costed me 180 Rupees.
This had a cute dialing system and was and probably is still the most safe and reliable communication method. Only the model has changed to a sleek digital model with multiple functions of storing, redialing and display of received calls.

Then came Pagers which covered short distances like inside a hospital. Not very helpful for distant communications. And finally the Cell phone or “Mobile” as you call it because it makes you mobile and able to communicate from practically everywhere to everywhere.

 Initially there was this generic cell phone which was used for messaging and calling. And as cell phone models advanced they have become lighter and they are almost equal to a computer.
Now there are Iphones, Ipads,Galaxy notes and other expensive phones which function like a full fledged computer ,are equivalent to high end cameras and can store umpteen music scores and important documents..  To lose a phone means mental tension and dilemma.

And we do store important documents on the phone which is very dangerous. And our clouds are easily approachable since we keep them unlocked with passwords due to laziness. Who will punch passwords each and every time you want to see something in your cloud?
And thus a cell phone or mobile has actually made us immobile. We do not need to go anywhere to buy tickets, pay your bills or even go to shops to buy things. The mobile apps do all the work for you. And you get your grocery or other things delivered to your home without the hassle of going out or stand in never ending queues.

And left us with less outdoor activities, sunlight and exercise. Of course busy office goers and other people would prefer such apps.
They simply do not have the time.

And we busy people have gone from 2G to 3G, 4G and now  5G. Not caring about the millions of animals and birds dying due to advancing cell phone technology. We will deal with that aspect in another blog. It is a vast subject.

In the process human beings are also subjected to harmful diseases.
Well, that is another chapter. Let us come back to my original problem. I got some mobile numbers from the net (courtesy my brother) and after making certain phone calls, I happily discovered where my phone was hiding, and got it back.

All is well that ends well. But I have decided to get a cute small phone book like people used to have, and keep it in my handbag at all times. I am not going green in this matter, I have decided. And I keep another phone book in the house if my handbag also gets stolen!!!

 But there are shiny edges to newer technologies too. I just learnt that you can lock your phone or erase all details in it or know the location of your phone by a simple App called “Find my device”. Go to Google search, enter

Log in with your Google account with your email ID and password. After logging in, you will find your cell phone model on the left side of screen, with options for Play sound (cell phone will ring for 5 minutes.),Lock, Erase options. So you can lock your phone or erase all details in it. So if the phone finds it’s way into the hands of unscrupulous people, you can protect your details.
Not only that, a map on the left side of the app will show you the location of your phone. Wonderful, is it not? 

I have not tried it but this information comes from the Police department, so it must be true. Find out!!!

                                                 THANK YOU.


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