Hi all.....................I have been pondering over the how some people treat all sorts of animals in a hatefully cruel way.I almost stopped writing about the subject.What I read and saw makes my heart bleed and creates in me  an animal instinct of wanting to kill these people in the same way as they maim or kill the animals. I have been crying while watching cruelty dealt to animals throughout the world, with the excuse of tradition, festivals, gang initiations and earning illegal money from web sites etc, mentioning only a few.

Recently I saw a video in Whatsapp, a social messaging platform, a horrific and distressing video about three girls with heeled shoes and shorts kicking a small innocent puppy  and trampling on it with their stiletto heels. Since there are so many forwards I could not trace the young ladies and a letter to PETA (People for the ethical treatment to animals), went unanswered. I do not blame them.How can they trace a video forward in a social platform?It is well nigh impossible.

When I started reading about cruelty to animals, I discovered that similar "Crush"  videos were available some months ago. The perpetrators were young women /girls who cut off the ears of  poor animals and burned them alive, or crushed them with their stiletto heels till the animals' eyes protruded and they died. Killing them by skinning them alive and other horrible practices.These ladies were probably being paid to do that by a couple already behind bars for their cruelty. The couple allegedly maintained a website for "Animal fetishism" lovers.By paying money the website patrons could even order which animal they wanted killed. PETA  got their way and these murderers are behind bars,hopefully. You can see the video at 

The video I saw in Whatsapp was something similar. showing the psychology of these girls.They got real satisfaction by these acts. These girls if not sentenced may even go on to be murderers for passion. I am very fond of animals, but dogs are my favourites. The man's best friend, so loving and caring ,they even give up their lives for their masters.And the puppies are so sweet,they look at us with innocent eyes.And to kill them in such a brutal manner. Or poor bunnies or dogs or kitten or any other animal . These sort of people are born murderers and they satisfy their cravings by killing poor,innocent animals. 

And these dog fights organised for entertainment. Cruel to the extreme. Thankfully I hear they have been banned.
In this context I would like to mention about the barbaric practice of hanging Spanish Galgos /greyhounds ,or shooting them dead after the hunters finished their hunt. Since they do not want to spend money on their maintanence after the hunt was over.They usually hanged these dogs from a tree where they died a distressing and prolonged death.Other methods were throwing them into unused wells leaving them to starve and die a horrible death, beating the dogs to death, set them on fire or shoot them. This practice I hear probably continues in certain areas of Spain. 

And a spokesman for this organisation has remarked "We will not bow to animal welfare activists ,This is our tradition and it will continue". Killing the poor dogs in a macabre way ,is this tradition ?

And the bull fights in India, Spain ,Cuba and elsewhere. Fights between bulls trained to fight and kill or maim  each other . Bullfight is a sporting event with several thousand spectators and involves humans set to subdue, immobilise or kill the bull  according to tradition or cultural expectations.The bull is taunted with a red cloth which enrages it. Utmost cruelty to the poor animals. Oh God, we do not deserve animals. 

Bull fight in Spain 
A short word about "Jallikkattu" which recently created a great uproar in South India. It is essentially a bull fight involving one or many boys trying to subdue a trained and wild bull. It is a dangerous sport endangering both human and bull life. But as usual several protests made the Supreme court in India withdraw it's order banning it. They say it is tradition .But in ancient tradition no harmful drugs and alcohol etc, was involved . Our ancestors in the glorious olden days, subdued and conquered the bull, not kill it or give intoxicating drugs or alcohol to the bull.Then it was tradition. Now it has become a rowdy act. 

And the Rodeo which is a similar sport which sometimes leads to the death of the human being or the steer /horse an exhibition or contest in which cowboys show their skill at riding broncos, roping calves, wrestling steers, etc.Thankfully it is probably banned now.

And the cock fights especially common in India. the cocks are trained to attack each other and it is fun filled event for the spectators. A barbaric act. To top the cruelty the cocks are fitted with steel blades in their feet to maim and kill each other.

And the cruelty to wild animals in a travelling circus. In order to exhibit these poor animals and make money they are torturing and making the lives of such animals unbearable.The wild beasts which are born to roam free in the wilds are subjected to long travel in closed beast vans and forced to  unusual social environment and made to entertain people in various ways . For example the tiger which hates fire and is afraid of it is made to jump through fire loops. This cruelty to the extreme and several countries have banned circuses with wild beasts. In India it does not seem that this ban is very effective. I sincerely hope it will come into effect soon. 

The elephants and baby elephants are trained in a cruel way for entertainment, their legs are tied,they are given electric shocks and beat up to train them. their legs are chained. The heavy elephant is not made to stand or dance on it's hind legs. The weight would create  joint problems in such an abnormal position.Not only in circuses the utmost cruelty happens to elephants in Thailand.

And then comes animal testing .Though it is true that several medicines have been approved after testing them on animals.But it has been found that a drug effective on an animal may not be effective in humans. And in the name of drug testing,several innocent animals are subjected to unaccountable torture. 

Animal testing has been around for many years and has served a variety of purposes. According to Emma Lloyd, “The first observations of significance to modern science were made in the 1600s, when William Harvey used animals to observe and describe the blood circulatory system” (2008). A second notable event in the history of animal testing was when John H. Draize created the Draize Test, which is used on the skin and eyes of animals, such as rabbits, to test the effects of a product. Another example is the LD-50 (Lethal Dose-50) test, which was created in the mid 1900s. LD-50 is used to determine the maximum dosage of a substance that would kill half the animals in a testing group. It was used in experiments with household products, pesticides, and drugs. Although these specific tests are not as commonly used today, they demonstrate the terrible treatment animals have faced.

Every year an estimated 100 million animals are subjected to torture in this field. Despite technical advances, this method is still in force in several countries to test medicines etc.And post testing the dead animals,their excrements etc are disposed usually by incineration which itself produces fine particulate matter in the atmosphere detrimental to humans. So when we are harming the poor animals in the name of drug testing,we are harming ourselves too. A just punishment,I believe. 

Animal testing is not always the best method for testing products that will later be use on humans. Two of the most commonly used animals are chimpanzees, which share 99 percent of their DNA with humans, and mice, which share 98 percent genetic similarity to humans. However, these animals actually have a different anatomic, metabolic, and cellular structure from humans, which makes them bad test subjects for human products: “It’s very hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what we are trying to achieve in the human” (“Should Animals Be Used”). So if these significant differences exist, why continue to this useless practice? There are more modern methods available now. 
A Macaque monkey being subjected to torture 
This monkey was being subjected to this form of torture to study behavioural patterns. PETA came to know of it and with police help the laboratory was raided and several animals rescued.The director was arrested.
Inducing cancer and other horrible diseases in these dogs which have not harmed anybody.Poor things. 

And harmless hares and mice are also used for testing and killing. Imagine these beautiful animals are meant to be loved and pampered,not subjected to such brutal practices and killed in the name of science.

And killing in the name of festivals and tradition. That is another horrific,macabre practice prevalent in some parts of the world.In the name of tradition, or festival poor animals are killed without mercy.

The Gadhimayi festival in Nepal

The Gadhimai Festival which takes place every year in Nepal. During the festival around 15,000-20,000 animals, including buffalo, goats, chickens, pigeons and rabbits are slaughtered for the sake of religious animal sacrifice. Animals from young to old are all sacrificed while crowds watch and cheer.

During the Gadhimai Festival in Nepal, at least one man holds the cow secure to a post with a rope, whilst another holds the cow’s body. The helpless cow has no way of escaping. Crowds watch as a man draws back his sword to decapitate the innocent animal. 

This festival of mass animal slaughter has provoked anger among people who are against animal cruelty, and protests against the festival have been held. Despite this, the festival continues every year, defended on the grounds of being a religious tradition. And the men all drunk, drink the blood from the decapitated goat or cow.



The Brazilian Festival Farra Do Boi

During this Brazilian festival, the Farra Do Boi, people find fun in chasing terrified oxen, and on catching up with them, inflicting on them the worst, most agonising torture they can think up. They prolong this over a number of hours so the oxen suffer the maximum agony and terror possible. The oxen are terrified and tortured in the cruelest of ways until they can take no more and succumb to death.

One theory is that the people are treating the oxen as if they were Satan, and inflict the punishment on the oxen that they feel Satan deserves. The name of this Brazilian festival, Farra Do Boi, can be loosely translated to the sickening title “fun with Oxen”.

During this festival, countless oxen throughout the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina are horrifically and methodically tortured—just for fun. In the days before Farra do Boi begins, the oxen are starved; food and water are placed just out of the animals' reach. The days-long festival begins when drunken villagers release the oxen and chase, punch, kick, and attack the animals with sticks, knives, whips, stones, bamboo lances, ropes, and anything else they can get their hands on. 
The torture escalates as the festival drags on. Eyes are rubbed with hot pepper and then gouged out; limbs are broken and tails are snapped and hacked off; some are doused with gasoline and set aflame. The "lucky" animals escape into the sea and drown. Any oxen who survive the torment are eventually killed, their flesh divided among the participants.

Toro De La Vega – The Lancing Of The Bull

The tournament consists of the chase of a bull by hundreds of drunken lancers, in which some of these will try to lance the bull to death, after it has been released through the streets of the town and led to an open field by the runners and participants. Once over the bridge, the animal is attacked by the men thrusting their lances in to him. The Bull tries desperately to get away from this agonising torture, but the poor animal has lances repeatedly plunged in to him until his flesh is torn so badly, and he is bleeding so heavily, that he can eventually go no more. On his collapse, his testicles are cut off, often while he is still alive. This is all watched by rowdy and cheering crowds. This spectacle in this Spanish festival is considered suitable entertainment for the whole family, with many parents taking their children. 

The pictures speak for themselves.Such pure,unadulterated cruelty.Let us pray that God will put a stop to all this nonsense. 

The Pero Palo Festival In Villanueva de la Vera, Spain.

Every year, a terrified donkey is violently forced through the streets of the village of Villanueva de la Vera in Spain, surrounded by drunk, rowdy, young men. The men think it is great fun to beat, kick, bite, shove, drag and crush the terrified donkey, as they all laugh as it is done. The animal regularly collapses from exhaustion and fright, only to be forced back to its feet by violence from the mob of drunken men. Guns are fired close to the panicked animal, alcohol is forced down it’s throat and it is ridden by the heaviest men in the village.

The ordeal often leaves the donkey badly injured or crushed to death. After this mental and physical torture has finally ended, the shattered and traumatised donkey is forced in to a trailer and taken away to meet an unknown fate.
The Gang initiations of South Africa

And mainly in South Africa, due you know that innocent animals are killed or maimed for Gang initiations? Sad to say ,but it is true.Here, animals have been killed as part of gang initiations, including being boiled alive, having their feet cut off, being tied onto train tracks, being burnt alive or even being buried alive. These sick acts continue to manifest within the country as government authorities are still not able to take control of the situation.

And finally poaching. The Rhino or the elephant is killed for the tusks or rhino horn.

The tusk of the elephant is very expensive  and contains ivory and is used to carve beautiful, expensive  objects.

In Yemen, the rhino horn is used for the handles of curved daggers called jambiya. The rhino horns are said to have aphrodisiac effect and as a cure for terminal illnesses.Poachers are now being supplied by international criminal gangs with sophisticated equipment to track and kill rhinos. Frequently a tranquiliser gun is used to bring the rhino down, before its horn is hacked off, leaving the rhino to wake up and bleed to death very painfully and slowly. Poachers are often armed with guns themselves, making them very dangerous for the anti-poaching teams who put their lives on the line to protect rhinos.

Even in a zoo the rhino would be safe. But due to these poachers,the species may become extinct.Very sad to say that just for earning blood money these poachers are destroying our ecological norms.

Well there is much more to say about animal cruelty. So there must be a part 2. Anyway I am disgusted and and sad for these animals .When will this madness end? 


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