We are doctors,the saviours of the public.We are bound by the Hippocratic oath.Well most of us are. From the top earning to the doctors not so successful in practice,we give the best possible efforts to cure or save a patient.And being a doctor is a passion which comes before money. A successful surgeon or physician who has cured a person will feel satisfied and proud.That pride is universal and comes before money.
Only a doctor will understand how much youth, sleep and valuable family time he/she has sacrificed in order to attend to patients..Right from the learning in college days to being active in profession.That is okay provided the patient survives and goes home cured.If by any chance a doctor is reading my blog he/she will understand.
I remember the nights in training and service period.We had to deal with so many types of Emergency cases.I remember the tension after initial surgeries.I remember that no cell phone was available then and our movements were restricted as we had to wait for land line calls in case of emergency.
Then the pager came but that also gave us only limited mobility.After that came the age of cell phones which gave us confidence to go out for dining,go out to chat with a friend or go to a party or social function.The evolution of the cell phone is very interesting.Now you have a small smartest of smart phones and maybe you do not need a computer all that much now.I remember having a pager first,and then a very heavy Sony black and white phone and now even I have evoluted to a highly functional smart phone.But I am typing this out in my favourite laptop computer with which I feel comfortable.
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Talking of tension ,We had training under highly trained registrars to perform emergency surgeries.Bit by bit we gained confidence to perform surgery independently.Of course the senior persons were always there to help us out.
One particular case in my house surgeonship period,I still remember.Actually I remember several cases but that is another story.This particular case had me very tense and sleepless.I had operated on a patient who had consumed acid.An emergency Gastrotomy (making an opening in the stomach and putting in a tube to feed the patient) had to be done to feed the patient.It was a long time back and we had limited facilities in our operation theatre. I made a small incision and did the surgery.
The next day very foul smelling fluid like stool was coming out of the tube. So I got nervous and got hold of my registrar.Even the registrar looked uneasy thinking that I had performed a Colotomy (opening the colon or large gut).So he opened the sutures and found that I had performed the surgery correctly.Since the patient had consumed acid,the whole of the food pipe and stomach lining were burnt and the discharge from the tube was a mixture of acid mixed with dead tissue. The patient was too emaciated and weak to undergo any further surgery like bypass surgery between pharynx (throat) and stomach.He ultimately succumbed.But he gave me the tension and fright of my life.God was with me.I did the surgery well .Such incidents give you confidence.
Then bit by bit you gained confidence to get a good sleep at night.Even then a complicated surgical or medical patient still gives us tension till the patient is cured or succumbs. A doctor is a human being,not a god.He/she can only give his/her best.And leave the rest to God.How can a terminally ill patient suffering from advanced cancer,old age illnesses cured by a doctor who is only human and not super human.
A doctor is not super human,he/she is human like any one else.He/she can not work magic on people with incurable disease or illness.
A doctor treats,God cures.
Nowadays,there is a lot of vandalism against doctors when a patient dies .Can a doctor who has sacrificed so much in life compromise his/her patient's health intentionally?Why should the good doctors suffer due a few black sheep, who I agree exist.
But jokes apart,there are certain so called doctors or quacks everywhere.These are the black sheep of our doctor family.
The last line I added as a joke to lighten the situation.But I actually saw this advertisement today while returning home after participating in a free medical camp........................imagine outside a so called doctor's clinic . It is not an advertisement for a clothes shop or jewellery shop or a grocery mall.It was an advertisement outside a doctor's clinic. I did not know whether to laugh or cry. And I did both.Laughed out loudly and cried deep inside my heart.
Then I learnt that there is a practitioner who has his clinic in the adjacent road and that he has been practicing medicine for more than twenty years.He is popular with the patients.He charges Rs.100 and sees about 200 patients daily.This particular advertisement was to pull patients from him.
A very bad state of affairs indeed.Nothing wrong in charging only Rs.50 from a patient or even see them free of cost.That would be a very nice thing to do.But this sort of laughable advertisement outside a doctor's clinic.Where are we coming to?
The medical colleges have brilliant or intelligent students chosen by merit.But how do such doctors or maybe quack doctors come from? From the umpteen private medical colleges mushrooming all over the cities.Even in these there are intelligent students,no doubt about it.But what about the few ones who get their seats with hefty donations?
I was working for a very short while in one of these institutions.I remember a boy coming to college with a very expensive cell phone,branded clothes and branded,costly shoes.I overheard him talking to his professor. He was saying "Sir,none of these things you teach are entering my brain, why do not you just let me be".
I later heard that his father had given a donation of a very hefty sum to the institution.Some time after that I came out of the institution.
But believe me ,these are only the black sheep of our family.The majority of the doctors are passionate,hard working people.So what if a few charge exhorbitant money ? It is only for the compensation of their hard work. And doctors of the young generation are performing absolutely advanced and amazing surgeries.And saving/curing hapless patients.Kudos to them.
So respect us,our family,our society and stop unwanted vandalism.We,doctors are the servants of God.We always think about the well being of our patient
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