Hi all……After a long time. I have totally neglected my blog which is actually very dear to me. There is nothing like a blog to share your frustrations and depressive moods. Maybe among few people who read them, some may think the facts are related to them too. So this way I am able to connect at least virtually with people like myself. There I go blabbering again. Today I am feeling more depressed because a close relation told me that I should not misunderstand the words spoken to me. I am wondering if I have lost the right to remark when I feel depressed by some person wantonly insulting me and hurting me with their words. Just because I am growing old, I must listen to these insults in silence. And never say anything about it to anyone. Though I am not dependent on them for my needs. I almost tend to forget the fact that I have been a very successful surgeon till I retired and came to the wretched place I am staying in now. And just because this is my native pla...